Tel: 07557 537410
COVID-19 Guidance
Due to the pandemic the way treatments will be performed will change for the foreseeable future. To ensure the safety of everyone there are some additional steps that I have taken which are outlined below.
Prior to your appointment.
Please do not attend your appointment if -
You have or are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
You or anyone in your household is self isolating.
Anyone in your household or support bubble has COVID-19 or is showing symptoms of COVID-19
You have been in close proximity with anyone else in the past 14 days who has symptoms of COVID-19 or been contacted by the NHS track and trace service and told to self isolate.
You are classed as a vulnerable person (high risk)​
If you have already had COVID-19 ​or are classed as a vulnerable person (medium risk) please consult your GP prior to your appointment.
Please be aware there are absolutely no cancellation fees or penalties during this time. If you are unsure please reschedule your appointment for another time no matter how short notice.
On arrival.
Please do not be early. A deep clean needs to be performed between each client. If you are early I will not be able to let you in until this has been performed.
Please attend all appointments on your own. I will only be allowing one person in at a time.
Please bring your own refreshments. Water and other drinks can not be provided.
You are required to wear your own face mask.
Your temperature will be taken prior to you being allowed entry to the clinic. If your temperature is in excess of 37.8 degrees Celsius the appointment will be cancelled so it may be worth checking before you leave home.
You will be asked to use anti bacterial hand gel upon arrival.
What I am doing.
The clinic is fitted with a Panasonic air conditioner that has inbuilt nanoe X technology. This charges the air with free radicals that kill viruses in the air and on contact surfaces.
I will be taking a rapid flow test twice a week.
I will be checking my own temperature daily.
All surfaces, contact points, couches will be disinfected prior to each appointment.
All linens are changed after each client and then stored in a secure box prior to being washed on the highest setting in the washing machine.
I will be washing my hands and using anti bacterial hand wash before and after every treatment.
I have updated my risk assessment and will monitor and update as required.
The treatment.
Clothes will be stored inside a plastic box that will be cleaned between each appointment to limit the chance of cross contamination.
Payment can be made via bank transfer now.
There will no use of the coat hooks.
There will be no treatments performed to the face.
Treatment of the neck will be performed but modified to side lying, face down or seated positions.
Please message me 24 hours prior to your appointment to confirm you have read and understand all the guidance above and are complying to it accordingly. If confirmation is not received the appointment can not take place.