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Spire Injury Clinic

Head and Neck Posture

Fig 1 


Fig 2

Pain Spasm cycle

Head and Neck Posture


A very common complaint I see is people complaining about their posture. Increased cervical lordosis causes a condition called poke chin or Head Held Forwards (HHF) This in turn can lead to a hunchback type appearance and a lump forming at the base of the neck called Dowager's Hump, Fig 1.


The average human head weighs between 11-13lbs (approximately 7% of your body weight) When the head moves forward out of alignment the stress it causes on the neck actually increases its weight by 10lbs for every inch forward. So if your head weighs 12lbs and your HHF is 2 inches from the mid line your head now in effect is weighing 32lbs. This puts the neck extensors under considerable strain. They enter a prolonged isometric contraction in an attempt to hold/straighten the head. This restricts the blood flow to the muscle, increased metabolic accumulation and lactic acid build up and causes pain and aching in the neck. At this point you will now have entered into the pain spasm cycle, Fig 2.


Below is a week by week guide on how to stretch and exercise to restore normal head and neck posture in conjunction with your sports massage.

Week 1

Stretches pre exercise

Exercises - Perform 2 sets of 10 reps

Week 2

Stretches pre exercise

Exercises - Perform 2 sets of 10 reps

 Week 3 

Stretches pre exercise

Exercises - Perform 2 sets of 15 reps

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